We arrived in Rome around 2:00 pm. Somehow, I wound up with an excruciating stomach ache ( must have been the 4 course meal),
but our luggage all arrived so we weren't complaining! It was a 20 minute ride on the metro to the place we were staying. We opted to book rooms via airbnb, a website Husband found with folks who are renting either their entire place or a room or two to individual travelers. This keeps us off the beaten path and keeps us out of the too-touristy hotels which we'll have plenty of once we join up with th rest of the group (more on that later).
We got a little lost walking from the metro to our place and got a little wet as it was raining gatti e cani. Asking for directions didn't work as our place is so well off the beaten path, no one knew of the street...or maybe it was that my stomach hurt so much I couldn't make my Italian very well understood by those who really speak it! In any case, we finally arrived and were greeted by Carlo, who is a neighbor of our host. Turns out our host is in Milano for the weekend. Carlo spoke no English, but was great at showing us how to work things. At this point, I'm sweating trying to keep from falling over with pain, while smiling and interjecting my share of "bene" and "daccordo" through Carlos's orientation. When he left, I fell on the bed (it was about three in the af
ternoon Roma time) and slept through until the following morning, at which time I was miraculously feeling fine and starving.
This is when I can begin to appreciate our quarters...what a charming place. It is completely separate from the main house. We have an upstairs and a downstairs terrazzo. The staircase is an interesting affair that winds down into the galley area. We've noticed that if you don't start down with your right foot, you get all messed up and have to re-calibrate your footing in order to continue descent. It gives the place character.
We got a little lost walking from the metro to our place and got a little wet as it was raining gatti e cani. Asking for directions didn't work as our place is so well off the beaten path, no one knew of the street...or maybe it was that my stomach hurt so much I couldn't make my Italian very well understood by those who really speak it! In any case, we finally arrived and were greeted by Carlo, who is a neighbor of our host. Turns out our host is in Milano for the weekend. Carlo spoke no English, but was great at showing us how to work things. At this point, I'm sweating trying to keep from falling over with pain, while smiling and interjecting my share of "bene" and "daccordo" through Carlos's orientation. When he left, I fell on the bed (it was about three in the af
This is when I can begin to appreciate our quarters...what a charming place. It is completely separate from the main house. We have an upstairs and a downstairs terrazzo. The staircase is an interesting affair that winds down into the galley area. We've noticed that if you don't start down with your right foot, you get all messed up and have to re-calibrate your footing in order to continue descent. It gives the place character.
It continued to rain all night and is pouring in the morning as well. This is a bit disconcerting as we have an outdoor activity planned. Being longtime residents of Juneau, however, we have come prepared. So we pack our rain gear and some extra socks and head for the metro (which really is only 5 minutes away when you know where you are going)!
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