Under every storm cloud is a silver lining. So goes the story of fellow camper Ben's lost camera. Because he didn't have his own camera to document the day, I asked him to take mine and just take pictures of everything. That, by the way, is why I'm actually in some of the pictures! Also, I get to share some of the activities from the men's side.
You see, there are two windbreaks on this day and the men and women are separated during the preparation activities. On the

women's side, all of the cutting and cooking is going on and there is support from men who bring firewood, drop off pieces of meat to be cut, and carry heavy items. We frequently saw some young boys helping with garbage, too.

On the men's side, as Ben explained it, the atmosphere is quite different. The men gather together and tell stories and visit with friends and relatives. I surmise this is, in effect, their "gratitude" day. Their hunting skills have made this feast possible. This is the day they get to relive their adventures and enjoy the fruits of their labors.
Well-deserved, I'd say. Who among those of us reading this story would voluntarily head out on the Arctic Ocean in a skin boat to hunt whale in cold, windy conditions so common to the Spring whale hunt? These brave and courageous men not only keep families fed, but keep age-old traditions alive for the younger generations to learn and subsequently follow.

The men anxiously await distribution of the "goodies." At frequent intervals, women will walk over to the men's side with various buckets, pots, and platters of food shares.
The arrival of some food items is more anticipated than other items as Ben found out. In particular, he found it is very important to note when the batches of donuts are being brought over. Once the purveyor starts walking into the area, all of the men rush over to greet her in a swarm of hungry humanity!
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