Speaking of light.. In light of our lack of light, our friends who live on Bainbridge Island in Washington sent us a little care package that arrived last week. Funniest of all were the directions about growing mushrooms...a whole catalog. Humorous, yet useful as well! Also, two book lights for our reading pleasure. Quite practical as we read in bed frequently and when we fall asleep with bedside lights on, the dogs wake up in the middle of the night and think it's time to get up! So, many thanks for those special and useful items! Also got a couple of books, which are always appreciated as we don't have a bookstore here, though we are frequent flyers at the library.
The best was yet to come, however. One day last week, I mentioned our lack of decorations to one of my co-workers. Turns out a tree had been donated to our office by an organization in town. It was to go to someone "who could use it." Hello! Here's what's funny, though. We have ALWAYS had a freshly cut Christmas tree. We've ALWAYS put candles on our tree and we've had a candle tree lighting party each year. This was an artificial tree and I wasn't quite sure how Husband would react. Turns out, just like any Christmas-loving person would react. We just love having a tree in the house. It's beautiful! It's in great shape and even came with directions for assembly (which were in the bottom of the box, so we didn't find them until after assembly). Just some twinkly lights and our tree (because I didn't think we'd have a tree, so I didn't bring ornaments). It's perfect! The spirit of giving is alive and well in Barrow!
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