Another windy day and cold. Our shot (along with 40+ others) was to walk the street. We were citizens with tools, on our way to save the whale (the movie is about saving a whale). We did this shot numerous times.
We did get a few breaks here and there, but we didn't get lunch until 3:30 p.m. that day. The only dog team in Barrow was there. While they were out, our dogs had to be inside or in the car. It seems the dog team as a pack is likely to kill a single dog by herself, so we elected to put the girls in the car. Seriously, how did those bad boys get cast, anyway? They also turned out of camera sight twice during the filming. Certainly not the stellar performance exhibited by one Border Collie the other day.
Next day, Husband was out again with the crew.
This time they were shooting right across the street from our house. That's our house on the left, and they shot
Husband walking down the hill to the beach from this house on the right. So both McKinley and Husband are likely to be in the movie with solo shot scenes. And to think all this stardom possible because we moved to Barrow! Go figure!
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